Vero Collects: Hidden Treasures Revealed

Marc Chagall (Russian-French, 1887 – 1985), Les Amoureux au Trois Bouquets, 1980. Oil on canvas. On loan to Vero Beach Museum of Art, Private Collection.
January 29 – May 15, 2022
That Vero Beach takes collecting art seriously can be witnessed in the exhibition Vero Collects: Hidden treasures Revealed. The exhibition is filled with treasures from local collections that are enjoyed in private residences, and now revealed in the public setting of an art museum. The show offers a rare glimpse into artworks seen for the first time at the VBMA, where we can discover major artworks collected in Vero Beach homes. It is a public view into the private world of collecting. VBMA Senior Curator Anke Van Wagenberg, Ph.D., paid numerous visits and found profound enthusiasm for participation in the show at every turn. She was deeply impressed with not only the range of the collection activities as well as the passion and careful deliberation with which works were accumulated, as individual, substantial Kunst- und Wunderkammers or cabinets of art and marvels. A catalogue will accompany the exhibition.