VBMA Museum Art School Instructor Class Proposal MAS Class Proposal "*" indicates required fields First and Last Name*Mailing Address*City, State, and Zip code*Cell Phone*Home PhoneEmail address*Have you taught a class or workshop at the Museum Art School before? Yes No If yes, please list the titles and year of the most recent classes or workshops.Please upload your résumé or Curriculum Vitae*Max. file size: 50 MB.Biography*Instructor Biographies will be used on the VBMA website and in the class brochure (see website for example). *Please limit description to 500 characters (with spaces) or less.Please upload image/s herePlease upload one or more images that may be used for the VBMA website next to the instructor biography and for other promotional purposes. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 500 MB. Which term are you proposing for?*Classes are held during the spring, summer, fall, and winter term. Select which term you are proposing for. 2025 Fall (October - mid December) 2026 Winter (January - Mid March) 2026 Spring (Mid March - end of May) 2026 Summer (June - mid August) Course length for classes*Note: *Courses that are split into two 5-week sessions require separate registrations if the two classes are different. *Dates below are for Fall Term. If you want to propose a class for a different term, indicate it below. 10 week class on Mondays 10 week class on Tuesdays 10 week class on Wednesdays 10 week class on Thursdays 10 week class on Saturdays 10 week class on Sundays 5 week class on Tuesdays (1st half of quarter term) 5 week class on Wednesdays (1st half of quarter term) 5 week class on Thursdays (1st half of quarter term) 5 week class on Saturdays (1st half of quarter term) 5 week class on Sundays (1st half of quarter term) 5 week class on Mondays (2nd half of quarter term) 5 week class on Tuesdays (2nd half of quarter term) 5 week class on Wednesdays (2nd half of quarter term) 5 week class on Thursdays (2nd half of quarter term) 5 week class on Saturdays (2nd half of quarter term) 5 week class on Sundays (2nd half of quarter term) None of the above. Enter preference in field below. If you selected none of the above, please list which term you prefer (e.g., fall '25, winter '26, etc.), along with desired day of the week and number of weeks below.Class time preference for Monday through Thursday classes:* 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. 5:30 - 8:30 pm Other, list preference below Class time preference for Saturday classes:* 9:30 am - 12:30 pm 1:00 - 4:00 pm Other, list preference below Class time preference for Sunday classes:* 1:00 - 4:00 pm Other, list preference below Other day/time preference not listed above.Title of Proposed Class*Have you taught this class here at the museum before?* Yes No Medium/Subject for Proposed Class*Skill Level*Select all that apply Beginner Intermediate Advanced All levels Other (please list below) If other skill level/s, please list belowClasses require a minimum of 8 participants. What is the maximum number of students preferred for this class?*Course description*Please limit description to 500 characters (with spaces) or less.Instructional Goal*Please list the skills that your students should be able to demonstrate upon completing the course that you are offering.Please upload your proposed syllabus (or provide link below)Please describe the topics covered at each weekly session. Make sure to include a detailed list of materials that you will need to teach the course as well as the materials that the students will need to successfully complete the course.Max. file size: 50 MB.Link to Syllabus (if you did not upload above)If your file exceeds the indicated size please drop the link to the syllabus file here. Please upload the list of materials students need for this class or enter in field below (or list below)Upload list of materials here.Max. file size: 50 MB.Please list the materials students need for this class (or upload above)Class set-up: Will you need any of the following for your class? 6-foot Rectangle Tables Tall 2-foot Square Tables Floor Easels Table Easels Chairs Stools Other (please list below) None of the above Please upload image/s herePlease upload one or more images that will be used for the VBMA website next to the course description and for other promotional purposes. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 500 MB. CommentsPlease include any comments that we must consider in the process of evaluating your proposal. THANK YOU FOR SUBMITTING YOUR PROPOSAL!