Thomas Ostenberg

Truth and Consequence, 1997
112 x 40 x 48 in.
2004.004, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the John K. Moore Memorial Fund.

Marc Petrovic

Marc Petrovic

Marc Petrovic American (b. 1967) Evidence, 2008 Hot sculptured glass nautilus sheel, horseshoe crab and boat; hand blown glass bottles; and mixed media. 28 x 25 x 6 in. 2009.001, Museum Purchase

Tom Otterness

Tom Otterness

Tom OtternessAmerican (b.1952)Trial Scene, 1997Bronze, 5/6Jury: 55 x 63 x 24-1/2 in.; Judge and Defendant: 73 x 39-3/4 x 21-1/2 in.; Prosecutor: 40-1/4 x 23 x 39 in.2007.007, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stott, Jr. Acquisition...

Louise Nevelson

Louise Nevelson

Louise Nevelson American (1899-1988) Series of an Unknown Cosmos LXXIII, 1979 Wood and paper collage 20 x 16 in. 2002.005, Gift of Susan K. Mallinson

Luis Montoya and Leslie Ortiz

Luis Montoya and Leslie Ortiz

Luis Montoya and Leslie Ortiz American (b. 1950) and (b. 1957) Surprise Box, 2000 Cast bronze with patina 34 x 22.5 x 11.5 in. 2014.11, Gift of Jane and Leonard Korman