Thomas Moran
American, born England (1837-1926)
Morning on the St. Johns, Florida, 1881
Etching on paper
5-1/2 x 8-1/2 in.
1991.082, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Messex, and Mr. and Mrs. Knut Osland

Leon Applebaum
Blown and constructed glass Leon Applebaum American (b. 1945) Untitled, date unknown Blown and constructed glass 20 x10-1/2 in. 1997.057, Gift of Norma Gene Lykes Burr and Charles Burr

Frederick Carder, Steuben Glass Works
Frederick Carder (Designer), Steuben Glass Works (Manufacturer) American (1863-1963) Blue Iridescent Aurene Vase, 1905 Blown lead glass 10 1/2 in. x 10 1/2 in. 1987.008, Gift of the Estate of Mrs. John B. Flynn, through Mrs. Richard Gushee