Stan Brodsky

American (b. 1925)
Self Portrait #1, 2004
Acrylic on paper
19-3/4 x 14-7/8 in.
2008.005, Gift of the Artist

Conrad Marca-Relli

Conrad Marca-Relli

Conrad Marca-Relli American (1913-2000) Untitled, 1950 Oil on canvas 46 x 50 in. 2010.3, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Athena Society

Federico Uribe

Federico Uribe

Federico Uribe American, born Columbia (b. 1962) Oriente-Poniente, 2009 Wood chopsticks and plastic forks 60 x 17 in. (diameter x depth) 2010.5, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the 20/20 Vision for the Future Fund