Reynolds Beal
American (1867-1951)
Road to Lanesville, New York, 1919
Watercolor and graphite on paper
Sheet: 14-1/2 x 21-1/2 in.
2006.001, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mendell

Leon Applebaum
Blown and constructed glass Leon Applebaum American (b. 1945) Untitled, date unknown Blown and constructed glass 20 x10-1/2 in. 1997.057, Gift of Norma Gene Lykes Burr and Charles Burr

Frederick Carder, Steuben Glass Works
Frederick Carder (Designer), Steuben Glass Works (Manufacturer) American (1863-1963) Blue Iridescent Aurene Vase, 1905 Blown lead glass 10 1/2 in. x 10 1/2 in. 1987.008, Gift of the Estate of Mrs. John B. Flynn, through Mrs. Richard Gushee