Film Studies
The VBMA’s Film Studies program, with instructor Diane Thelen, offers a thoughtful exploration of cinema, blending classic and contemporary films designed to educate, enlighten, and entertain.
During the 2024-25 season, participants can attend class at the VBMA on Tuesdays at 1:30 pm or stream the films from the comfort of their homes. Registered students will receive weekly emails with film handouts, streaming links, and instructions. Following the in-house screening, we invite attendees to participate in a brief, optional “talk-back” session, providing an opportunity to discuss thoughts and questions about the film with classmates.
Tuition: $80 per person per series for VBMA Members; $96 per person, per series for non-members.
February 11 – March 11, 2025
Chance Encounters: Stories of Fateful Meetings and Unexpected Rewards
Random encounters can be powerful, with lasting impact on our lives. Through a chain of events, seemingly beyond our control, the path ahead can be altered beyond our wildest dreams or expectations. These five cinematic “encounters” explore the chain of events triggered by such meetings, illustrating how life can surprise us on any given day. Included is “One Fine Morning” by acclaimed French filmmaker Mia Hansen-Løve, which won big at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival.
Register for Chance Encounters

March 18 – April 15, 2025
It’s Music to My Ears: Tales about Musicians, Singers, and Composers
Music can lift our spirits, or even take us on a journey through time. Whether it’s the words of a song that we relate to or a memory that is triggered, music is a powerful tool. Above all, music is healing, a universal language that everyone understands. This series blends fact and fiction, offering a diverse lineup of films where music plays the leading role. Watch as young Ruby, the only hearing person in her deaf family, pursues her passion for singing. “CODA,” a highlight of this series, won three Oscars in 2022 and is sure to inspire.
Register for It’s Music to My Ears

Presenting Sponsor: Roberta G. Olsen
Supporting Sponsor: Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Unruh, Jr.
Patron Sponsor: Ann Bowling Endowment for Film Studies
Program Sponsor: Rehmann Financial and Business Advisory Services