Lyman Kipp

American (b. 1929)
Untitled, date unknown
Pen, ink and gouache on paper
30 x 22-3/8 in.
30 x 22-3/8 in.
1992.021, Gift of David Miller

James Liccione

James Liccione

James Liccione American (b. 1950) Winged Clock, 1998 Forged iron, fresco, inlaid glass and stone 67 x 39 x 24 in. 1998.002, Museum Purchase

James Liccione

James Liccione

James Liccione American (b. 1950) Memorial Gates, 2000 Ornamental metalwork, aluminum 11 ft. x 33-1/2 in., each panel 2000.037, Gift of James Liccione Jr. in memory of his Father