Lyman Kipp

American (b. 1929)
Untitled, date unknown
Pen, ink and gouache on paper
30 x 22-3/8 in.
30 x 22-3/8 in.
1992.021, Gift of David Miller

George Segal

George Segal

George Segal American (1924-2000) Girl Emerging from Tile Wall, 1974 Plaster and ceramic tile on wood 39 x 15-1/2 x 10-3/4 in. 2000.036, Museum Purchase with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. James W. Titelman and the Museum Acquisition Fund Art © The George and Helen...

Jean Claude Rigaud

Jean Claude Rigaud

Jean Claude Rigaud Haitian (b. 1945) Musical Instrument, 1996 Laquered steel 102 x 34 x 28 in. 2002.025, Gift of David Miller