Lee Krasner
American (1908-1984)
Summer Play, 1962
Gouache on paper
30 x 22-3/8 in.
1990.027, Gift of Joan and Crawford Black
Stephen Lawson
Stephen Lawson British (b. 1942) Height of Autumn: On North Fork Mountain looking North to Dolly Sods and Spruce Knob, West Virginia, 2007 Color photograph, C-Print 6.5 x 53 in 2014.6, Museum purchase (from artist)
Candida Höfer
Candida Höfer German (b. 1944) Sankt Maximilian Düsseldorf I, 2012 Chromogenic print 70 7/8 x 67½ in. 2017.3, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Athena Society