Larry Rivers

American (1923-2002)
At the Movies, 1974
Lithograph on paper, AP
23-1/2 x 27 in.
2002.006, Gift of Andrew R. Paul
Art © Larry Rivers/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

Malvina Hoffman

Malvina Hoffman

Malvina Hoffman American (1887-1966) La Frileuse, 1912 Bronze 11 x 2 x 2 in. 1993.049, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Bett Gould Memorial Fund

John R. Henry

John R. Henry

John R. Henry American (b. 1943) Cypress, 1990 Machined, welded and painted aluminum 77-1/2 x 43 x 60 in. 1991.066, Gift of Ruth and Robert Vogele