Deborah Butterfield

American (b. 1949)
Untitled #2725.1, 2003
47 x 54 x 22 in.
2004.001, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Mary K. and Robert R. Broadbent Endowment and the John M. Booth Endowment, with additional support from Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stifel, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Evans, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Titelman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Woodhouse
Art © Deborah Butterfield/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

Stephen Lawson

Stephen Lawson

Stephen Lawson British (b. 1942) Height of Autumn: On North Fork Mountain looking North to Dolly Sods and Spruce Knob, West Virginia, 2007 Color photograph, C-Print 6.5 x 53 in 2014.6, Museum purchase (from artist)

Candida Höfer

Candida Höfer

Candida Höfer German (b. 1944) Sankt Maximilian Düsseldorf I, 2012 Chromogenic print 70 7/8 x 67½ in. 2017.3, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Athena Society

James Balog

James Balog

James Balog American (b. 1952) Giant Sequoia, 2001 Digital multiple exposure photograph 94-1/2 x 36-1/8 in. 2005.001, Museum Purchase with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. James Balog

Toots Zynsky

Toots Zynsky

Toots Zynsky American (b. 1951) Viaggio, 2015 filet de verre (glass thread) 9 1/2 x 17 1/2 x 12 1/4 in. 2015.4, Museum Purchase with funds provided in part by the Lori Burns Memorial Fund