David Hayes

American (b.1931)
Untitled (study for sculpture), 2008
Ink and gouche on Arches paper
Sheet: 29-3/4 x 22-1/2 in.
2008.004, Gift of the Artist

Hiram D. Williams

Hiram D. Williams

Hiram D. Williams American (1917-2003) Swimming Gator, 1994 Acrylic, oil and shellac on canvas 80 x 64 in. 1998.006, Gift of the Daytona Museum of Arts and Sciences: Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram D. Williams and the Williams Family

Jack Tworkov

Jack Tworkov

Jack Tworkov American, (1900-1982) Bar Decoration I, 1963-64 Oil on canvas 51 x 73 in. 2014.4, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Athena Society