Dale Chihuly

American (b. 1941)
Untitled, 1987
Graphite, colored pencil and colored ink on Arches paper
30 x 22-1/2 in.
2000.003, Gift of Harvey K. Littleton

Carl Milles

Carl Milles

Carl Milles Swedish (1875-1955) Sunglitter, 2001 bronze 60 x 56 x 80 in. 2001.012, Museum Purchase with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McCabe and the Wahlstrom Foundation in memory of Agnes and Magnus Wahlstrom.

Gus Miller

Gus Miller

Gus Miller American (b. 1940) Untitled (Storefront), 1987 Mixed media 9-3/16 x 11-7/8 x 3-3/16 (max) in. 2009.005.002, Gift of Anne and Paul S. Morgan