Dale Chihuly

American (b. 1941)
Untitled, 1987
Graphite, colored pencil and colored ink on Arches paper
30 x 22-1/2 in.
2000.003, Gift of Harvey K. Littleton

Jean Claude Rigaud

Jean Claude Rigaud

Jean Claude Rigaud Haitian (b. 1945) Musical Instrument, 1996 Laquered steel 102 x 34 x 28 in. 2002.025, Gift of David Miller

George Rickey

George Rickey

George Rickey American (1907-2002) Annular Eclipse VII, 2000 Stainless steel 204 x 104 x 20 in. 2007.005, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Athena Society Art © Estate of George Rickey/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY