October 8 – December 31, 2022

Holmes and Titelman Galleries
For four decades artist and scientist James Balog has studied ancient cultural assumptions about the relationship between human nature and the rest of nature. His photographs and films reveal nature’s dazzling beauty as well as its capacity for destruction. Through innovative imagery, his projects interpret significant aspects of what has changed, what has survived, and what changes are projected for the future. Changing Nature: A New Vision. Photographs by James Balog describes the ancient cyclical patterns of the earth’s life forms and the impact of human activity on those forms and cycles. Balog’s passion to understand these patterns drives him. His talent is to photograph and film in ways that not only seduce viewers with nature’s rich varieties and splendor, but evoke questions about what is happening and why. The exhibition is divided into four sections—Survivors, Transformation, Combustion and Extraction—which reflect Balog’s projects over four decades.
This Exhibition has been co-organized by the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, Minneapolis/New York/Paris/Lausanne, in association with the Vero Beach Museum of Art.