Larry Kagan Object/Shadow

Larry Kagan, Mosquito V, 2007, steel with shadow:, 51 x 43 x 16 inches, Courtesy of the artist. Larry Kagan Object/Shadow January 14 – May 21, 201 Larry Kagan’s sculpture simply defies description. Viewed without special lighting, his works of art appear to be...

Deborah Butterfield: Horses

Deborah Butterfield, Untitled (2725.1), 2003, cast bronze with patina, 347 x 54 x 22 in, Museum Purchase with funds provided by the Mary K. and Robert R. Broadbent Endowment and the John M. Booth Endowment, with additional support from Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles,...

Dan Gunderson: A View From Above

Dan Gunderson, Burst, 2015, digital prints on a special metallic substrate, 36 x 36 in, Courtesy of the artist. Dan Gunderson: A View From Above June 17 – September 3, 2017 Composed of digital prints on a special metallic substrate, Dan Gunderson’s Holmes gallery...

Masters of American Photography

Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California,1936, Edition #36/300, Published by Aperture under the auspices of the Dorothea Lange Collection at the Oakland Museum, 12 x 9 ¼ inches, Collection Reading Public Museum, Reading, Pennsylvania. Library of Congress,...