Carl Milles

Swedish (1875-1955)
Sunglitter, 2001
60 x 56 x 80 in.
2001.012, Museum Purchase with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McCabe and the Wahlstrom Foundation in memory of Agnes and Magnus Wahlstrom.

Carol Wax

Carol Wax

Carol Wax American (b. 1953) Singer Needle, date unknown Mezzotint on paper, 29/100 10-1/4 x 8-1/8 in. 1991.068, Museum Purchase

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol American (1929-1987) Pepper Pot from Campbell Soup I, 1968 Color serigraph on paper, H/Z 35-1/8 x 23-1/8 in. 2000.010, Museum Purchase

Ben Shahn

Ben Shahn

Ben Shahn American, born Lithuania (1898-1969) Levana, 1966 Lithograph on paper, 15/125 30 x 22-1/2 in. 1997.055, Gift of the George Armstrong Memorial in memory of George P. Armstrong Art © Estate of Ben Shahn/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

Sean Sexton

Sean Sexton

Sean Sexton American (b. 1954) Horse Jaw and Edibles, 1987 Oil on paper 22 x 30 in. 1988.004, Gift of the Vero Beach Art Club