A+ ART – week 16

A+ ART – week 16

Abstract Lines. In this video, Bridget and Dawn talk about the five different kinds of lines as they explore the abstract line art of Martin Berkon.

A+ ART – week 15

A+ ART – week 15

Pop Art. In this video, Bridget and Dawn explore Pop Art and print making using art by Andy Warhol as inspiration.

A+ ART – week 14

A+ ART – week 14

Paper Sculpture. In this video, Dawn and Bridget will show you how to make a paper sculpture in the style of Dale Chihuly’s glass art.

A+ Art – Week 13

A+ Art – Week 13

Kinetic Sculpture. In this video, Bridget and Dawn explore kinetic sculpture, discuss George Rickey’s kinetic sculpture in the VBMA collection, and create their own kinetic artwork using objects from around the house.

A+ Art – Week 12

A+ Art – Week 12

In this video, Bridget and Dawn explore using natural and manufactured objects (you can find around your house) to compose and create a still life painting.

A+ Art – Week 11

A+ Art – Week 11

In this video, Dawn and Bridget have fun exploring symmetrical objects and creating a symmetrical object (a butterfly).

A+ Art – Week 10

A+ Art – Week 10

In this video, Bridget and Dawn will explore Collage art using a variety of cut and torn materials.

A+ Art – Week 9

A+ Art – Week 9

In this video, you will have fun using your imagination to create objects and creatures in the style of Surrealism.

A+ Art – Week 8

A+ Art – Week 8

A+ ART - week 8 Come One, Come All! Experience the Circus by looking at works by artist Reynolds Beal and clowning around with Dawn, Bridget and clown dog, Ellie. Museum Extras Anke's Art Moment Flick Picks Museum Stories Art Tutorials A+ Art Museum...

A+ Art – Week 7

A+ Art – Week 7

In this video you will explore what relief art is, learn about two and three-dimensional objects, and watch how to create your own relief using objects from home.